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How Is Artificial Intelligence Changing the Recruiting Process?


Trinh Nguyen

Jan 16, 2023

There exists a stereotype that Human Resources must always involve humans in every stage of its process. Still, as artificial intelligence continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, AI will inevitably have a huge impact on the recruiting process.

But how is artificial intelligence changing the recruiting process?

In this blog post, we will explore what AI for recruiting is and why you should use artificial intelligence in hiring. Then we’ll go over the disadvantages of AI in recruitment as well as how AI is changing the way recruiters find candidates.

Without further ado, let’s jump in!

What’s AI for Recruiting?

The 2018 Global Recruiting Trends report addressed that about 35% of Talent Acquisition Leaders or Hiring Managers make use of AI to leverage their recruiting process.

Artificial intelligence gives you a helping hand in analyzing recruiting data. You can simplify the process of finding, selecting, and hiring people for your business or organization. This results in better bias control and decision-making.

There are various phases in the recruiting cycle that AI can empower. It’s possible for you to screen resumes automatically, shortlist more accurately, and even communicate with candidates in real time.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Changing the Recruiting Process?

Following are some applications of AI for recruiting automation.

#1 Automate Resume Screening

It’s undeniable that CV screening is always the most time-consuming and tedious part of recruiting. It requires you to go over individual resumes, organize information, classify candidates, and call for interviews. Imagine your company is in high-volume recruiting and have to deal with hundreds of resumes for an open position. That would be a nightmare.

An AI-powered resume parser like Dr.Parser would save your life. The tool allows you to extract information from CVs and store it in a structured format within a few seconds. It uses text extraction and text segmentation algorithms to extract data from a candidate’s resume.

Making use of artificial intelligence in resume screening benefits you in many ways. Not only can you shortlist candidates with the right skills or experience quickly, but you also limit bias in hiring. The anonymized resume screening feature helps hide personal information, so you will be able to focus on important details when selecting candidates.

On top of that, intelligence CV parsers support predictive analysis. They enable you to predict employees’ career paths via their historical experience to understand the intention. Since then, organizations have been able to make the right decisions for retention or recruitment planning.

#2 Engage Applicants

Applicant engagement plays a key role in acquiring talent for your organization. It shows how professional your recruiting process is and gives potential candidates the first good impression of your company.

You have numerous methods to communicate with your candidates, including text messages, emails, or even face-to-face.

AI makes it easy for HR to foster candidate engagement via intelligent chatbots. They provide additional screening or interviews with candidates. The software will ask detailed questions, reply immediately, and analyze answers without human involvement. This saves recruiters a lot of time and removes personal bias during the interview process.

#3 Examine Soft Skill and Personality

AI is employed to examine candidates’ interests and preferences. You can’t surely say if a person with specific skills and experience is a perfect fit for the company. It depends on various factors such as their personality, company culture, and the essence of work.

Understanding people’s characteristics and innovation lets you develop better training programs. You’ll know if they prefer working individually or with a team, how they collaborate, as well as the openness to new ideas.

Fortunately, AI empowers you to utilize tests and quizzes via short questions or games to measure candidates’ cognitive and emotional traits. You can rely on this information to evaluate and predict their performance.

Limitations of AI for Recruitment

Everything has two sides, and so does AI for recruitment. Besides outstanding advantages, HR may also face some challenges that affect the way you apply artificial intelligence in your hiring process.

Firstly, data need is one of the most significant elements when running an AI project. You need a lot of data, equalling thousands of CVs, so the system can learn and perform as human recruiters.

What’s more, it’s necessary to mention the accuracy of your data. HR can easily recognize special elements in the resumes. For example, too long email addresses drop the line, or one type of data uses different formats (date, time, etc.).

As a matter of fact, there are still some limitations of AI when performing complex and divergent thinking of AI. That’s why it still requires humans in the loop to communicate better with candidates.

Artificial Intelligence – The Future of Recruiting

So how is artificial intelligence changing the recruiting process? You may have clear answers to this question now. AI is having a great impact on whether recruitment or any other industries.

It’s evident that technology will make things more convenient, time efficient and eliminate human errors. Not only can you automate multiple steps in the recruiting cycle but also improve the candidate experience.

Pretend to apply AI in your recruitment but don’t know how? Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.